Know about me ALEXANDER C. BAKER




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ALEXANDER BAKER holds a Juris Doctorate and possesses a wealth of real-world experience in the extortion racket named the “justice system.” He is President of the Post-Modern Justice Media Project (www.pmjmp.o.)

Throughout 2023, Alex was the was host of a weekly radio show "Freedom Enough" on, where he discusses court corruption from the Supreme Court down to Family Court, explaining that "you have no rights and there is no law." He advocates voluntaryism, a world without a ruling class.

Also known by his music business and childhood nickname "Ace" Baker, prior to his being cancelled in retaliation for creating the video series "9/11 - the Great American Psy Opera" (which Jim Fetzer characterizes as "one of the best"), he was a successful musician, having written and produced over 1000 pieces of music used on television shows from 1994 - 2015. Before that, he toured the world as keyboardist for such artists as REO Speedwagon, the Supremes, and Mother's Finest.

Psy-Opera can be seen here: Check out his archived research on 9/11 research at

In mid-life, Baker went to Northwestern California University School of Law, graduating with a Juris Doctorate in 2017. As a J.D. Baker's profession is independent litigation paralegal, researching and drafting legal briefs in "controversial" civil rights court cases, in California and Federal Courts, at the trial court, appellate and Supreme Court levels. Because CalBar will never allow a voluntaryist a law license, he is free to expose corruption and bring strong arguments that licensed attorneys dare not.


Alex is the behind-the-scenes litigation expert in two important court cases opposing "Gender Affirming Care" in the United States right now: Georgulas v. Younger and Hudacko vs. UCSF. Both of these cases involve a loving father’s valiant effort to stop an deluded (if not insane) mother hell-bent on attempting to medically "transition" a boy into a girl.
Alex and activist / trans ideology victim Adam Vena at the December 4, 2024 Supreme Court rally.
Baker's presentation at the 2024 FF&CC will track the long and sordid history of the trans movement and reveal that is nothing less than a global conspiracy to commit involuntary human medical experimentation.
Baker will unmask the World Professional Organization for Transgender Health ("WPATH"). WPATH presents itself as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational and scientific nonprofit dedicated to using the principles of evidence-based medicine to establish the “standard of care” for “treatment” of "transgender" and "gender non-conforming" people. Recently uncovered internal documentation will show that WPATH is actually a pseudo-scientific political advocacy organization – working at the behest of big pharma and big hospitals – whose ulterior motives are:
  • To maximize revenue for doctors and big Pharma by falsely presently this as "medically necessary"
  • to maximize the numbers of children unwittingly enrolled in NIH-funded human medical experiments; and
  • through the use of "puberty blockers," to create a population of young people who chronologically reach adulthood but who still look, think and act like children.

Both sides of this extremely emotional debate were well-represented at the Dec. 4 rally. 

Baker will take a deep dive into the blatant corruption and totalitarian tactics being wielded in this transgender litigation, including how his legal brief so threatened to expose this conspiracy that the Judge immediately issued a blatantly illegal "Star Chamber" Order - sealing the entire record of the case and closing the case to the public.

Heartbreakingly, Baker will show medical records that quote Jeff Younger's obviously brainwashed son as saying: "I'm really a girl. I don't really care about my penis. I'm able to pee. I know I'm going to get bottom surgery in the future so I don't really care."

"Gender Affirming Care" - The New Lobotomy

The so-called "transgender" movement is a conspiracy to commit involuntary human medical experimentation - on children – and to litigate serious challenges in top-secret, Star Chamber proceedings. I'm on the inside, working in several high-profile court cases, including Anne Georgulas v. Jeff Younger in Los Angeles Superior Court.