In Honor of Scott Bennett: A Magnificent Warrior – In Memoriam
Jim Fetzer, David Kinney, Don Grahn, Stephen Pidgen, and Mike Harris

Ukraine’s Woes & Geopolitics
Something deep is afoot! This presentation will explore the geopolitics surrounding the ongoing Ukrainian War. Starting with the treachery of Barrack Obama and his clique in 2014, we will chart the escalation of this Western aggression upon Russian by grasping Neocons until today. In this meditation we will also speculate upon where this conflict will take the world in the decade ahead.

Israeli Deceptions and Mind Tricks Used to Facilitate Their Genocides

False Flag Attacks (FFAs) Instigated the Immoral Satanist Pedophile Illuminati UKRaine War Against Moral Stoical Rival Russia

How Jews Forgot Where Their Temple Was
Jews are about to start building a new temple in Jerusalem, the first since 70 AD. They reckon they have to knock down the glorious Al-Asqa mosque because that is exactly where their new Temple has to be. However that was not the site of their ancient temple: which existed within the ancient walled City of David. Due north of that is the so-called Temple Mount, which had no temple on it because it was built as a Roman fortress. No God will answer the one million prayers stuck into the cracks of the Wailing Wall every year – it’s just the side of what was once Fort Antonia. This talk will call for a worldwide campaign to help Jews remember where their ancient Temple was, and thereby avoid WW3.

P Diddy, The Black Jeffrey Epstein, Michael Simkins, Club E11even Highlight – How Modern Art Gonzo Journalism Preserves Conspiracy Theory Until It Becomes Conspiracy Fact
Victor will expose how the sorted misbehaviors of hollow elites effect the direction of American politics.

The Highest Trump Card Awaits as Americans Are Forewarned of the National Purge Forthcoming
As America eagerly awaits the transition from Biden to Trump, we are being forewarned ahead of time that one of the first priorities will be the deportation of illegal immigrants that have infiltrated our country. However, Americans do not see the massive process needed to complete this mission considering there are many millions of illegals living in all states. Many innocent individuals and families as well. However, many cartels, criminals, and terrorists also are being housed here. As the majority of America places their hope in Trump achieving this mission, a darkside of him is being ignored regarding Donald Trump’s past presidential decision and ties to the most evil and sinister war criminals the world has ever seen.
Trump has made many promises and they do not have We the People’s interests first. Making America Great Again really means the purge of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and any and all those who do not comply. Making Israel Great Again will be the primary objective and that will include the purge and mass genocide of Americans as well.

Drain the Swamp and Keep It Clean
In the years since WW II no government in the world has been able to insure their intelligence agencies are doing what those governments intend. That’s because once intelligence agencies control what they do through classification, they also control who can see what, meaning, who gets to know what. This is how the intelligence agencies or administrations can lead our country down a very dark and evil path.
Classic examples of this type of manipulation are the Vietnam war, the Iraq war, Russia-gate and more recently the COVID experience. While appointing the right people in key position can begin to move these agencies in the right direction, that will not stop hidden agendas from happening in or between these large agencies all organized in secret by unelected civil servants, possibly including the cooperation of some political party members or commercial leaders.
To make this type of activity virtually impossible, the president needs to create a highly technical and independent group with all the clearances necessary to go into any government agency at any time and inspect all their data bases and network logs to insure those agencies are not violating the US Constitution or other laws. This is a rather large and difficult task, but to make it happen will require automated analysis of finite but large data bases. Further, to insure no single point can stop or divert activity of this group, making the group report to all three branches of our government would help to insure an honest process that would continue even after the administration that created it.

A Global Jewish Conspiracy: Racism or Reality? The Case of Rabbi Schneerson
With Trump’s senior appointments 40% Jewish and 100% Zionist, the question becomes, “What difference does it make?” The answer may be disturbing.

Simple Introduction to The JFK Assassination Film Hoax
John will go through his “simple introduction to the JFK assassination film hoax” available on his website at, and then present our best current understanding of the timeline of the creation of “the Zapruder film.” At the time of the Zapruder Film Symposium in May 2003 (available on YouTube and linked on his website), he speculated that “intermediate,” quickly-edited versions of the film were likely being created from the weekend of the assassination onwards, using film editing techniques, for highly classified purposes only. (Publicly, only a small number of still photographs were published in LIFE magazine before September 1964.)
This conjecture was spectacularly bolstered between 2009 and 2011 by Peter Janney and Doug Horne, who uncovered strong evidence that the entire film was significantly edited—as an apparently “camera-original” film—between Saturday night and Sunday night. John will explain why the Sunday night film could not feasibly be the extant “Zapruder film,” which was fabricated frame by frame over a longer time period.

The Final Analysis: The JFK Head Shots
Co-author of a new book with David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., who is the leading expert on the medical evidence in the death of JFK, Dr. Corsi will dive into the medical evidence with x-ray poof there where 3 – not 1 or 2 – shots to the head!

Assassination Attempts on President Trump – Who Dunnit & How
This talk debunks the official narrative of the assassination attempts on President Donald Trump and suggests alternative leads for a genuine investigation into what happened and who was involved.

3rd Annual Updated – Controllers’ Depopulation Agenda Is Human Genocide
For the third straight year participating in this Conference, I’m covering the same topic I call the biggest story of the ages. It’s unprecedented in all of our known history as a human species that an elite handful of planetary controllers currently have on their kill list crosshairs over 7 billion people, perhaps up to 15 out of 16 of us living and breathing today, they want dead as soon as possible. Our killers have openly couched this topic of mass murder on a never-before-seen scale as their depopulation agenda, a softened euphemism for coldblooded genocidal murder of the human race.
In recent years, it’s been controversially framed as replacement theory primarily targeting the historically Christian white goyim population of the West, containing by far the largest middle-class affluence on the planet. Evidence has been put forth supporting this contention based on the elites’ deliberate creation of the largest mass migration crisis in history.
My talk will focus on the psychopathic controllers’ methodology of drastically replacing today‘s near 8 billion humans to a decimated half billion, as advertised for years etched in their granite stone now destroyed Georgia Guidestones, and each year the ways and means that today‘s power structure is systematically killing us expands exponentially.

AmRev2/WW3: 2025 Status in Historical Context
The US has been an ongoing looting, lying, Orwellian-illegal rogue state empire, with OBVIOUS crimes centered in and (actually DEBT), with Emperor’s New Clothes naked lies/crimes “covered” by corporate media and public education.
Trump’s “election” victory promises truth/justice with “Covid” Crimes Against Humanity, promises destruction of “official” censorship, and much more, yet Trump and NATO’s “leadership” for Israel’s ongoing genocide threatens nuclear war.
This presentation assesses how far back in history war on We the People extends, who writes the puppeticians’/propagandists’ evil scripts, and Earth’s status entering 2025.

“Gender Affirming Care” – The New Lobotomy
The so-called “transgender” movement is a conspiracy to commit involuntary human medical experimentation – on children – and to litigate serious challenges in top-secret, Star Chamber proceedings. I’m on the inside, working in several high-profile court cases, including Anne Georgulas v. Jeff Younger in Los Angeles Superior Court.

The Fall of the House of Windsor
Where is Kate? Have we seen the future queen of England this year? We have been shown a series of actor-doubles, some fake, photoshopped pictures of her and at least one AI simulation of her. After he death of queen Elizabeth the British monarchy seems somehow to be falling apart. The ‘heir and the spare’ William and Harry have bitter rows, partly because only one of them is the son of King Charles. Neither of them is allowed to think about who murdered their mother.

How the Deep State Stole the 2020 and 2022 National Elections – But Could Not Steal 2024
Dr. Corsi was instrumental in exposing the deeply-embedded algorithm the DEMS used to steal the 2020 and 2022 elections, but could not use to steal 2024. Even the pope has acknowledge Jerome’s role in this expose.

Energy Enslavement: Trifecta of Energy Faux Science
Carbon climate forcing, sustainable “green” energy and fossil fuels are based on science fraud. NO gas molecule can capture, store, redirect or amplify radiant energy photons moving at the speed of light. Every sustainable energy is a NET ENERGY LOSER. Hydrocarbons exist throughout the Universe and are NOT dinosaur residue.

Flight MH370: The Black Magicians and Super Elite
In this conference seminar, a frequent contributor to Truth vs. News and other false flags and conspiracies topics will conduct a 1-hour seminar on the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Flight 370 and the new theories put forth by Ashton Forbes regarding the “disappearance” of the flight. Mr. Davidson will examine ties to the post Rosevelt (1933 to 1945) era of occultic knowledge and practice and begin to make the case that current western global influence has been heavily enhanced by the practical application of occultic (veiled) knowledge.

The War Against the Bill of Rights
With the ACLU no longer interested in protecting free speech, and today‘s Left actively promoting the notion that the First Amendment ‘goes too far,’ it is essential that we protect everyone’s speech.

LAWFARE: The Judicial Plundering of Dr. James H. Fetzer
Ron will illustrate how Dr. Fetzer was found liable for defamation by being deprived of his right to trial by jury guaranteed under the Wisconsin Constitution and the 7th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution.
The presentation will also cover how the judge transferred Fetzer’s intangible intellectual property interest in his book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control, directly to the Plaintiff in violation of common law principles to prevent public access to Fetzer’s book. The astonishing oblivious admission by the court of conducting judicial warfare against Fetzer.

Princeton in the Nation’s Service – Class of ’62 Style
My own Class of ’62 has blackballed me from making a Class Scholars Lecture, even though I am the most published member of the class (with 100s of articles and 40 books).

The Butler did it? The Butler Rally: Real, Staged, or Hybrid?
Join Monique for her “Take 2” on Trump’s quickly “healed” ear; the “(I) moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down – my hand was covered in blood” (Whaaaat? Where?); and people acting strangely in the bleachers.
Where was the blood on Corey the firefighter’s wife and daughters? Where were the wife and daughters? Why was Corey removed without a stretcher? Why were nonmedical personnel permitted back into the bleachers, while uniformed officers dawdled around? And why did the alert suddenly play dead? It’s enough for a director’s head to spin. “Take 2?”

Mind Control Mayhem: True Stories of Abduction, Torture & Death from the Conference Circuit
Lorien will discuss the behind the scenes “sagas” from having produced 3 Mind Control, Targetted Individuals & Military/SSP Super Soldiers Conferences. With the recent death of Whistleblower Robert Duncan (heart attack in early 50’s), one of the speakers for two of her conferences. Plus the mysterious deaths of Mr. Ron (heart attack early 50’s), Max Spiers (drug overdose late 40’s), and “Michael” (shot in Mexico), and the many speakers who have gone “underground” (are still in hidding) — all who came out to the public for the first time at her conferences — she decided it’s time to examine those events.

The Top 3 Priorities for The Human Race & Why We Are Blind to Them
Humanity is at a cross road. The cumulation of technology, exaggerated abuse of power, and a polarized and uninformed public have created the perfect storm. We are facing extinction level events and power shifts not seen in over 2000 years. What are we really facing and what does this mean to humanity?

MIKE PRESENTS a musical tribute to honor those involved in exposing false flags and conspiracies to the eternal benefit of the American people.