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ALEXANDER BAKER holds a Juris Doctorate and possesses a wealth of real-world experience in the extortion racket named the “justice system.” He is President of the Post-Modern Justice Media Project (www.pmjmp.o.)





ALEXANDER BAKER holds a Juris Doctorate and possesses a wealth of real-world experience in the extortion racket named the “justice system.” He is President of the Post-Modern Justice Media Project (www.pmjmp.o.)

Throughout 2023, Alex was the was host of a weekly radio show "Freedom Enough" on speakfreeradio.com, where he discusses court corruption from the Supreme Court down to Family Court, explaining that "you have no rights and there is no law." He advocates voluntaryism, a world without a ruling class.

Also known by his music business and childhood nickname "Ace" Baker, prior to his being cancelled in retaliation for creating the video series "9/11 - the Great American Psy Opera" (which Jim Fetzer characterizes as "one of the best"), he was a successful musician, having written and produced over 1000 pieces of music used on television shows from 1994 - 2015. Before that, he toured the world as keyboardist for such artists as REO Speedwagon, the Supremes, and Mother's Finest.

Psy-Opera can be seen here: https://www.pmjmp.org/post/9-11-the-great-american-psy-opera. Check out his archived research on 9/11 research at acebaker.blogspot.com.

In mid-life, Baker went to Northwestern California University School of Law, graduating with a Juris Doctorate in 2017. As a J.D. Baker's profession is independent litigation paralegal, researching and drafting legal briefs in "controversial" civil rights court cases, in California and Federal Courts, at the trial court, appellate and Supreme Court levels. Because CalBar will never allow a voluntaryist a law license, he is free to expose corruption and bring strong arguments that licensed attorneys dare not.


Alex is the behind-the-scenes litigation expert in two important court cases opposing "Gender Affirming Care" in the United States right now: Georgulas v. Younger and Hudacko vs. UCSF. Both of these cases involve a loving father’s valiant effort to stop an deluded (if not insane) mother hell-bent on attempting to medically "transition" a boy into a girl.
Alex and activist / trans ideology victim Adam Vena at the December 4, 2024 Supreme Court rally.
Baker's presentation at the 2024 FF&CC will track the long and sordid history of the trans movement and reveal that is nothing less than a global conspiracy to commit involuntary human medical experimentation.
Baker will unmask the World Professional Organization for Transgender Health ("WPATH"). WPATH presents itself as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational and scientific nonprofit dedicated to using the principles of evidence-based medicine to establish the “standard of care” for “treatment” of "transgender" and "gender non-conforming" people. Recently uncovered internal documentation will show that WPATH is actually a pseudo-scientific political advocacy organization – working at the behest of big pharma and big hospitals – whose ulterior motives are:
  • To maximize revenue for doctors and big Pharma by falsely presently this as "medically necessary"
  • to maximize the numbers of children unwittingly enrolled in NIH-funded human medical experiments; and
  • through the use of "puberty blockers," to create a population of young people who chronologically reach adulthood but who still look, think and act like children.

Both sides of this extremely emotional debate were well-represented at the Dec. 4 rally. 

Baker will take a deep dive into the blatant corruption and totalitarian tactics being wielded in this transgender litigation, including how his legal brief so threatened to expose this conspiracy that the Judge immediately issued a blatantly illegal "Star Chamber" Order - sealing the entire record of the case and closing the case to the public.

Heartbreakingly, Baker will show medical records that quote Jeff Younger's obviously brainwashed son as saying: "I'm really a girl. I don't really care about my penis. I'm able to pee. I know I'm going to get bottom surgery in the future so I don't really care."

"Gender Affirming Care" - The New Lobotomy

The so-called "transgender" movement is a conspiracy to commit involuntary human medical experimentation - on children – and to litigate serious challenges in top-secret, Star Chamber proceedings. I'm on the inside, working in several high-profile court cases, including Anne Georgulas v. Jeff Younger in Los Angeles Superior Court.




BRIAN DAVIDSON, P.I., has been a licensed private investigator in the State of Texas for 10 years. He has conducted seminars related to Open-Source Intelligence research and has contributed to research related to Sandy Hook, ...READ MORE




BRIAN DAVIDSON, P.I., has been a licensed private investigator in the State of Texas for 10 years. He has conducted seminars related to Open-Source Intelligence research and has contributed to research related to Sandy Hook, the Buffalo shooting, the Pulse nightclub, and many others.

His company Panoramic Investigations is a general investigation firm that has handled many aspects of investigations from criminal defense, fraud, property crimes, murder, bank robbery, and others as well. He operates the international secure tips line related to the Uvalde shooting where tips can be anonymously sent: uvaldetips@proton.me.

He frequently contributes to expose conspiracies related to the use of false flags to sway public opinion and prepare the world for the coming New World Order. Mr. Davidson is a Christian and often contributes to a balanced viewpoint of the world as we are shown it in current events.

Flight MH370: The Black Magicians and Super Elite

In this conference seminar, a frequent contributor to Truth vs. News and other false flags and conspiracies topics will conduct a 1-hour seminar on the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Flight 370 and the new theories put forth by Ashton Forbes regarding the “disappearance” of the flight. Mr. Davidson will examine ties to the post Rosevelt (1933 to 1945) era of occultic knowledge and practice and begin to make the case that current western global influence has been heavily enhanced by the practical application of occultic (veiled) knowledge.




CARL HERMAN is a retired teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics). With an undergraduate degree from U.C. Berkeley in Global Development focused on ending global poverty (1983), and ...READ MORE




CARL HERMAN is a retired teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics). With an undergraduate degree from U.C. Berkeley in Global Development focused on ending global poverty (1983), and Ed.M from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education (1999), Herman worked as a public education teacher from 1984 until 2022. Two Los Angeles Mayors honored him as among the very best teachers in Central L.A. (among ~10,000 teachers). He has published economics and political research via The Claremont Colleges (2012, 2015).

Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years up to two UN Summits for heads of state as a key volunteer with the citizen’s lobby Results for Domestic and Foreign Policy to End Poverty - results.org, (1990 World Summit for Children, 1997 Microcredit Summit). He helped craft and deliver ~300 policy briefs for Members of Congress, heads of state, and other international professionals. Microcredit reaches hundreds of millions of the poorest of the poor families, saving literally hundreds of millions of human lives.

Since 2009, Herman has written 1,000+ public essays with 50 million+ total page views, and 300+ appearances on podcasts, radio, and television. Non-coincidentally since 2009, despite such high performance in scholarship, real-world applications, and student/family/colleague popularity, Herman was fired from teaching 4 times without cause (non-reelected). His last district attempted 6 times to fire him, despite Herman’s students’ measured learning on peer-reviewed tests at the 99.99th percentile of expected district results, counselors’ reporting that students requested Herman’s classes more than any other teacher, and on anonymous semester-ending surveys that students’ average rating of Herman’s teaching was “A+”. Hayward Unified School District finally removed Herman by placing him on paid administrative leave to “investigate” “how and why” he was asking questions challenging “Covid” “health” “orders.” (HUSD “investigated” for 6 months without issuing a report).

AmRev2/WW3: 2025 Status in Historical Context

The US has been an ongoing looting, lying, Orwellian-illegal rogue state empire, with OBVIOUS crimes centered in and (actually DEBT), with Emperor’s New Clothes naked lies/crimes “covered” by corporate media and public education.

Trump’s “election” victory promises truth/justice with “Covid” Crimes Against Humanity, promises destruction of “official” censorship, and much more, yet Trump and NATO’s “leadership” for Israel’s ongoing genocide threatens nuclear war.

This presentation assesses how far back in history war on We the People extends, who writes the puppeticians’/propagandists’ evil scripts, and Earth’s status entering 2025.




DONALD JEFFRIES has been researching the JFK assassination since the mid-1970s, when he worked as a teenage volunteer for Mark Lane's Citizens Committee of Inquiry. He has written 10 books, including the best-sellers Hidden H...READ MORE




DONALD JEFFRIES has been researching the JFK assassination since the mid-1970s, when he worked as a teenage volunteer for Mark Lane's Citizens Committee of Inquiry. He has written 10 books, including the best-sellers Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in AmericanPolitics, Survival of the Richest: How the Corruption of the Marketplace and the Disparity of Wealth Createdthe Greatest Conspiracy of All, and his latest, American Memory Hole: How the Court Historians Promote Disinformation. He is a bestseller on Substack as well, where he writes regularly at donaldjeffries.substack.com.

His work has been lauded by the likes of Ron Paul, Naomi Wolf, Roger Stone, Jesse Ventura, Cindy Sheehan, Cynthia McKinney and many others. He hosts the weekly podcast "I Protest," which live streams on his YouTube and Twitter platforms, as well as on the America Unplugged channel at both Rokfin.com and Rumble.

The War Against the Bill of Rights

With the ACLU no longer interested in protecting free speech, and today's Left actively promoting the notion that the First Amendment 'goes too far,' it is essential that we protect everyone's speech.




DR. KATHERINE HORTON is an Oxford-educated particle physicist and systems analyst with a Master of Physics (1st class) and doctorate in particle physics, both from the University of Oxford. She worked as a high energy physi...READ MORE




DR. KATHERINE HORTON is an Oxford-educated particle physicist and systems analyst with a Master of Physics (1st class) and doctorate in particle physics, both from the University of Oxford. She worked as a high energy physicists on the particle collider at the German Electronsynchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany, and on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva Switzerland.

She taught nuclear physics and particle physics at Hertford College, Oxford. Under unusual circumstances, Dr. Horton discovered that she had become the target of Directed Energy Weapon assaults and eventually discovered that she herself had been covertly implanted with military bio-technology and neurotechnology as a “targeted individual”.

She has been unrelenting and persevering in a campaign of scientific research, public education, and legal avenues to expose the perpetrators and protect the victims in (what turns out to be) an illicit activity of wide scope and application. See her website for detailed elaboration of her campaign on behalf of targeted individuals.

Assassination Attempts on President Trump - Who Dunnit & How

This talk debunks the official narrative of the assassination attempts on President Donald Trump and suggests alternative leads for a genuine investigation into what happened and who was involved.




Gary King has been a truth warrior for quite some time. Founding Patriot Radio New Orleans on WGSO 990am 15 years ago covering subjects like 911 and Sandy Hook. Gary has done over 300 JFK shows with top researchers Jim Fe...READ MORE




Gary King has been a truth warrior for quite some time. Founding Patriot Radio New Orleans on WGSO 990am 15 years ago covering subjects like 911 and Sandy Hook. Gary has done over 300 JFK shows with top researchers Jim Fetzer and Larry Rivera. Gary's current show "Inconvenient Truths" can be found on Bitchute on Jim Fetzer's channel and 153news.net, now in its 100th episode.

Gary will be our morning/afternoon tech director and fill-in Host Sautrday for Dr. Fetzer.




JIM FETZER, Ph.D, former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota and co-founded (with Mike Palecek) of moonrockbooks.com. Jim began serious research on JFK in 1...READ MORE




JIM FETZER, Ph.D, former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota and co-founded (with Mike Palecek) of moonrockbooks.com. Jim began serious research on JFK in 1992 and published three collections of expert studies that cracked the cover-up, especially by exposing how much of the “official evidence” presented by The Warren Commission was fabricated, altered or faked.

He founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth in late 2005 and, since his retirement in 2006, has devoted himself to bringing together experts to examine the politically controversial events of our time. While editor of Moon Rock Books, six of the twelve volumes published, on Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, Orlando and Dallas, Charlottesville, Parkland and (even) the moon landing, have been banned by amazon.com.

Jim’s websites include his blog, jameshfetzer.org, his video archive, https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jim_fetzer, and on Twitter @jimfetzer. He hosts “The Raw Deal” on Revolution.Radio M/W/F, Authentic News on RBN daily, and has been taking Sandy Hook to the courts in Wisconsin and (even) to SCOTUS.

A Global Jewish Conspiracy: Racism or Reality? The Case of Rabbi Schneerson

With Trump's senior appointments 40% Jewish and 100% Zionist, the question becomes, "What difference does it make?" The answer may be disturbing.

Princeton in the Nation's Service - Class of '62 Style

My own Class of '62 has blackballed me from making a Class Scholars Lecture, even though I am the most published member of the class (with 100s of articles and 40 books).




DR. JEROME CORSI received his Ph.D. from Harvard University’s Department of Government in 1972. From 1972 to 1982, he worked as a university professor, with his final faculty appointments at the University of New Mexico and...READ MORE




DR. JEROME CORSI received his Ph.D. from Harvard University’s Department of Government in 1972. From 1972 to 1982, he worked as a university professor, with his final faculty appointments at the University of New Mexico and subsequently at the University of Denver. From 1976 to 1980, Dr. Corsi conducted a National Science Foundation randomized field test in New Mexico, proving telephone hearings met due process standards in unemployment and welfare administrative fair hearings. He also published game-theoretic articles in scientific journals and received a national security clearance to work with the U.S. State Department on terrorism.

For the next 25 years, Dr. Corsi worked in financial services, creating two bank marketing companies that each reached sales totals of $1 billion annually in annuities and $1 billion in mutual funds. Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has written over 30 books on politics and economics, two of which were #1 New York Times bestsellers. In 2021, he founded Corstet, LLC, a company dedicated to developing telemedicine administrative software for medical services in the United States. In the Spring 2023, Corstet LLC plans to launch two telemedicine companies: (1.) HablaConUnMD.com, a telemedicine Internet website designed to allow Spanish-speaking patients to teleconference with Spanish-speaking licensed medical doctors to receive medical care at an affordable price, and (2.) GetLongevityMeds.com, a telemedicine Internet website designed to offer those interested in living longer and better telephone consultations with licensed physicians expert in prescribing longevity perscriptions, as well as access to top-quality longevity supplement products.

He is the author numberous books, with two about the JFK assassination:  The Final Analysis with David Mantik, M.D., Ph.D, and Who Really Killed Kennedy?. Both available at Dr. Corsi's website, TheTruthCentral.com.

The Final Analysis: The JFK Head Shots

Co-author of a new book with David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., who is the leading expert on the medical evidence in the death of JFK, Dr. Corsi will dive into the medical evidence with x-ray poof there where 3 - not 1 or 2 - shots to the head!

How the Deep State Stole the 2020 and 2022 National Elections - But Could Not Steal 2024

Dr. Corsi was instrumental in exposing the deeply-embedded algorithm the DEMS used to steal the 2020 and 2022 elections, but could not use to steal 2024. Even the pope has acknowledge Jerome's role in this expose.




JOACHIM HAGOPIAN is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down, exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably ...READ MORE




JOACHIM HAGOPIAN is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down, exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide.

As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global Researchlewrockwell.com and currently https://jameshfetzer.org. As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge available free at https://pedoempire.org/contents/. Joachim also hosts a Revolution Radio weekly broadcast entitled “Cabal Empire Exposed” every Friday morning at 6AM EST.

3rd Annual Updated - Controllers' Depopulation Agenda Is Human Genocide

For the third straight year participating in this Conference, I'm covering the same topic I call the biggest story of the ages. It's unprecedented in all of our known history as a human species that an elite handful of planetary controllers currently have on their kill list crosshairs over 7 billion people, perhaps up to 15 out of 16 of us living and breathing today, they want dead as soon as possible. Our killers have openly couched this topic of mass murder on a never-before-seen scale as their depopulation agenda, a softened euphemism for coldblooded genocidal murder of the human race.

In recent years, it's been controversially framed as replacement theory primarily targeting the historically Christian white goyim population of the West, containing by far the largest middle-class affluence on the planet. Evidence has been put forth supporting this contention based on the elites' deliberate creation of the largest mass migration crisis in history.

My talk will focus on the psychopathic controllers' methodology of drastically replacing today's near 8 billion humans to a decimated half billion, as advertised for years etched in their granite stone now destroyed Georgia Guidestones, and each year the ways and means that today's power structure is systematically killing us expands exponentially.




A proud product of public education, JOHN COLEMAN received his undergraduate degree in history from Western Connecticut State University. Alas, that was to be the end of his flattering academic titles. Unwilling to once...READ MORE




A proud product of public education, JOHN COLEMAN received his undergraduate degree in history from Western Connecticut State University. Alas, that was to be the end of his flattering academic titles. Unwilling to once again become a debt slave to usurers, his graduate studies were scotched at the half-way point. John wasted over a decade of his professional life attempting to establish a high school for a community who took neither themselves nor their worldview seriously. Burned by these unseemly experiences, on Holy Saturday of 2013 Apocatastasis Institute was founded.

The Institute primarily exists to protect the humanities in se, and to provide a haven for academics in a disintegrating professional field. The author of Hurt (2015), The Trotsky Train (2018), Excess Of Love (2024), and Pearls Before Swine (2024), John daily continues his work of restoring formal classroom learning in light of the proper personal, social, and political ends of a school.

Recent Blog: To The Dead I Speak: Educational Leadership In Days Of Slavery & Retardation

Ukraine's Woes & Geopolitics

Something deep is afoot! This presentation will explore the geopolitics surrounding the ongoing Ukrainian War. Starting with the treachery of Barrack Obama and his clique in 2014, we will chart the escalation of this Western aggression upon Russian by grasping Neocons until today. In this meditation we will also speculate upon where this conflict will take the world in the decade ahead.




JOHN COSTELLA received his Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics from the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 1994. Between 2001 and 2003 he carried out intensive investigations of digital copies of the photographic eviden...READ MORE




JOHN COSTELLA received his Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics from the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 1994. Between 2001 and 2003 he carried out intensive investigations of digital copies of the photographic evidence of the JFK assassination, ultimately proving that “the Zapruder film” that has been extant from November 1964 to today is an extremely sophisticated forgery, created photographically and scientifically, frame by frame, not simply by editing an existing film by optical or aerial printing techniques.

Since 2012 he has worked as a software engineer and data scientist at Facebook (now Meta). His image processing research has powered all the photos on Facebook since 2013 and Instagram since 2015. John and his wife Sally are now dual citizens and live in Washington DC. His JFK work is available at johncostella.com/jfk and in The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003, ed. James H. Fetzer).

Simple Introduction to The JFK Assassination Film Hoax

John will go through his “simple introduction to the JFK assassination film hoax” available on his website at johncostella.com/jfk/intro, and then present our best current understanding of the timeline of the creation of “the Zapruder film.” At the time of the Zapruder Film Symposium in May 2003 (available on YouTube and linked on his website), he speculated that “intermediate,” quickly-edited versions of the film were likely being created from the weekend of the assassination onwards, using film editing techniques, for highly classified purposes only. (Publicly, only a small number of still photographs were published in LIFE magazine before September 1964.)

This conjecture was spectacularly bolstered between 2009 and 2011 by Peter Janney and Doug Horne, who uncovered strong evidence that the entire film was significantly edited—as an apparently “camera-original” film—between Saturday night and Sunday night. John will explain why the Sunday night film could not feasibly be the extant “Zapruder film,” which was fabricated frame by frame over a longer time period.




JOSEPH OLSON is an engineer, researcher, author, and science writer whose articles can be found on principia-scientific.com. He has appeared on the Drudge Report, Breitbart, InfoWars, Coast To Coast AM and is a weekly talk sh...READ MORE




JOSEPH OLSON is an engineer, researcher, author, and science writer whose articles can be found on principia-scientific.com. He has appeared on the Drudge Report, Breitbart, InfoWars, Coast To Coast AM and is a weekly talk show host on TNT Radio. As a self-employed engineer, he presented a tour de force city planning proposal to the City of Houston, which consisted of a rail system, space tower, recreational park, and storm system lake on Buffalo Bayou.

Joe unmasks the corruption in the Houston area, spanning the past 40 years plus speaks on the topics of LBJ, the UniParty, Disney/METRO scam, the recent Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's "impeachment". He is best known for his research into The Mafia, CIA and Geo Bush.

Check out his recent article: https://principia-scientific.com/from-muscle-power-to-carbon-empowerment/

Energy Enslavement: Trifecta of Energy Faux Science

Carbon climate forcing, sustainable "green" energy and fossil fuels are based on science fraud. NO gas molecule can capture, store, redirect or amplify radiant energy photons moving at the speed of light. Every sustainable energy is a NET ENERGY LOSER. Hydrocarbons exist throughout the Universe and are NOT dinosaur residue.




LORIEN FENTON became actively involved in the San Francisco Bay Area UFO and Conspiracy Communities after almost dying from a mysterious form of Pneumonia during the H1N1 scare of summer 2009. She has since learned that "illn...READ MORE




LORIEN FENTON became actively involved in the San Francisco Bay Area UFO and Conspiracy Communities after almost dying from a mysterious form of Pneumonia during the H1N1 scare of summer 2009. She has since learned that "illness" was not what it seemed to be... It was that near death experience which propelled her into doing the work she loves in the communities that she has been passionate about her entire life – UFOs/Aliens, Conspiracy and JFK.

Lorien is the MUFON (Mutual UFO Netaork) Marin and Sonoma counties Meeting Director, holding meetings in Petaluma, CA on the first Saturday of the month. Visit www.MUFONMarinSonoma.com. Her current “occupations” include web designer, bookkeeper, marketing/PR person and conference producer.

Lorien produces UFO CON held annually in the San Francisco Bay Area. UFO CON 2025 will be April 4-5-6. She has produced and co-produced many conferences, including: 12 – UFO CONs; 3 – Super Soldier, Targeted Individuals and Mind Control Summits; 3 – Time Travel CONs; 4 – JFK Birthday CONs; 3- JFK Assassination Cons in Dallas; 2 – Lee Harvey Oswald Birthdays in New Orleans; JFK Historical Society’s “The Big Event”, Washington DC; and many more virtual events. If that wasn’t enough, she has a weekly internet radio talk show: The Fenton Perspective, Mondays at 5pm PT/8pm ET on Revolution Radio, Studio A: Revolution.Radio

If you haven’t guessed by now, she lives in front of a computer, has her ear glued to a phone, has had no “children” other than her two tail-less Siamese cats (no over the rainbow bridge). She sings “Moon Dance” by Van Morrison to herself, is slowly becoming a Crazy Old UFO Lady, and finally saw her first Black Triangle UFO on 11/1/2014. She has never been abducted or seen a typical Alien — that she can remember. However, she thinks the most important moment in her earthly life is when she met God and has been visited by white light beings she believes are "Angels".

Lorien will be our afternoon/evening Tech Director, Host and Speaker.

Mind Control Mayhem: True Stories of Abduction, Torture & Death from the Conference Circuit

Lorien will discuss the behind the scenes "sagas" from having produced 3 Mind Control, Targeted Individuals & Military/SSP Super Soldiers Conferences. With the recent death of Whistleblower Robert Duncan (heart attack in early 50's), one of the speakers for two of her conferences. Plus the mysterious deaths of Mr. Ron (heart attack early 50's), Max Spiers (drug overdose late 40's), and "Michael" (shot in Mexico), and the many speakers who have gone "underground" (are still in hiding) -- all who came out to the public for the first time at her conferences -- she decided it's time to examine those events.




MIKE DEFOY, originally from Chicago, is an accomplished, self taught, multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter, and creator of the Chicago “Sky Pilot” project. Within months of the release of the first album, it appeared ...READ MORE




MIKE DEFOY, originally from Chicago, is an accomplished, self taught, multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter, and creator of the Chicago “Sky Pilot” project. Within months of the release of the first album, it appeared in the Chicago Tribune entertainment “concerts to see” section alongside notable Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees, Aerosmith, Cheap Trick and others. The music was so well received, that FM radio stations, like WXRT, chose to play the album in its entirety.Subsequently, fans attending the shows knew and sang the lyrics to the songs. The project was referred to by other acts, in local industry trade publications, as their personal favorite. Recorded at Butch Vig’s studio (Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins), and mastered by Howie Weinberg (Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins).

Heard in nearly every country in the world, making #13 on the Top 50 World Radio Rockchart, honored once again to be listed among Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees like AC/DC. Reaching #7 on the Euro Indie Music chart, #8 on the Top 100 World Indie.

Online reviewers have said the music grants the listener the unbridled “permission to play air guitar and rock out” and that one could easily expect an “entire show” of this caliber of quality melodic power pop rock.

Having previously discovered, analyzed and performedthe music of “The Beatles” in the late ‘80’s, their influence is evident in all his musical compositions. An online reviewer admitted that they were still singing the tune being reviewed “for days”after, while fans have openly stated that certain parts of certain songs get “stuck in their head all day long”.

He has performed as the head line act at large venues where other notable acts had previously performed, like Blue Oyster Cult, Molly Hatchet, Foghat, Johnny Winter, Cheap Trick, Survivor, Warrant and many others.

This album was recorded in Hollywood, California best known for clients such as KISS, Tool, Billy Corgan and many other artists. It was mixed and mastered by multi-Grammy award winning talent, responsible for Butch Vig, Foo Fighters, Nine Inch Nails, Muse, Billy Idol and many other artists. Appearing in print numerous times, he has also been interviewed on various radio programs. He tends to listen to Foreigner, Bad Company, Cheap Trick, .38 Special, Eddie Money, The Outfield, and all successful rock with a strong male vocal presence.

A musical tribute to honor those involved in exposing false flags and conspiracies to the eternal benefit of the American people.





MIKE SPARKS is a former U.S. Army and Marine Corps, MOS 11A5P Airborne Infantry NCO and 1LT officer; he is the Director of the 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne), a non-profit think-tank and action group for military excel...READ MORE




MIKE SPARKS is a former U.S. Army and Marine Corps, MOS 11A5P Airborne Infantry NCO and 1LT officer; he is the Director of the 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne), a non-profit think-tank and action group for military excellence. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in History Education from Liberty University (in residence). He is the author of James Bond is Real: The Untold Story of the Political-Military Threats Ian Fleming Warned Us About.

Personal History
As an infantry enlistedman and officer in both light, heavy, amphibious, airborne and special operations units, I've acquired skills and equipment innovations to enhance light infantry Tactics, Techniques and Procedures, Environment, Enemy and Equipment (TTPE3). I’ve been working on Soldier's Load solutions ever since as a marine reservist experienced hypothermia due to being soaked-through a delaminated poncho with freezing rain at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. As a professional Soldier, acting in good faith to make the unit and our Soldiers as climate and combat ready as possible, I have chosen to serve at different places to gather experiences and skills to further our understanding so I can do the best for the most people possible with gear designs and TTP--some of which you may already be familiar with like the folding mountain bike, Camel-Bak, drink-on-move bladders, M9 Wire Cutter Bayonet, ACOG and M68 CCO Red Dot Collimator sights:

. . . and the D-R-O-P leader's planning step which have been adopted by America’s Army and marines.

We have warned against and offered multiple cross-country mobile solutions to fight against the Clintonista road/trail-bound, easily destruction-ambushed, wheeled permissive peacenikking truck madness that has murdered and maimed thousands of of our G.Is.: www.combatreform.org/WHEELSVSTRACKS

Making America's Army better via moral, stoical military excellence is my enduring and non-stop, continuous contribution to America's defense. I'm a life-long student of military operations which explains my diversified military background.

About The 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne)
The 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne)’s Combat Reform Group (CRG) is composed of exceptionally dedicated military professionals, expert specialized aircraft and ground vehicle designers and highly motivated civilians committed to National Defense. Our commitment is to perform objective in-depth and detailed examinations of U.S. and Allied Military Operations and Doctrine for the purpose of improving both current and future operations--as well as CONcepts Of Operations (CONOPS). We advocate a Warfighting Excellence Board (WEB) "Skunk Works" be formed of proven maverick military reformers to moral stoically fix the U.S. Department of Defense to combat overmatch all threats.

False Flag Attacks (FFAs) Instigated the Immoral Satanist Pedophile Illuminati Ukraine War Against Moral Stoical Rival Russia





MONIQUE MARISSA LUKENS, a member of SAG-AFTRA (pending lawsuit for keeping actors out of work unless they took the ouchi Fauci), earned an MFA in Theatre from Sarah Lawrence College and a BA in Mathematics (Secondary Educatio...READ MORE




MONIQUE MARISSA LUKENS, a member of SAG-AFTRA (pending lawsuit for keeping actors out of work unless they took the ouchi Fauci), earned an MFA in Theatre from Sarah Lawrence College and a BA in Mathematics (Secondary Education Concentration) & Communications (Radio-TV-film) from Rowan University. She was a part-time radio air personality in the South Jersey Shore Area on FM stations: WBSS, WFNN, WMGM, WBBO, WZBZ and WAYV. Most of the 2.5 miles long Wildwood, NJ Boardwalk tuned into "Unique Monique" in 1996 - 1997.

Had Trump given his record-breaking 100,000 in attendance speech then, she surely would have been reporting. Monique also worked on the Atlantic City Boardwalk, as a Virtual Actor, complete with wigs and a plastic sword. At that time, she met a rolling wicker chair pusher from Bosnia, and pushing chairs, too. What a workout that was, complete with ocean air, interesting conversations, and cash over fist - most of which was earned when rolling up to the Trump Taj Mahal and Trump Marina.
She recalls seeing a big gull swallow a little bird, who had smacked into the Taj - a symbol for Little Marco? No. It was sad. So was the time a patron upchucked in her chair. That took her to her own episode of the PEOPLE'S COURT in 2005. Speaking of which, Monique is an 18 year religious, ethical vegan, having had a spiritual epiphany in NYC. She advocates others to leave sentient beings in peace..not pieces.
Monique has also played Trump in her own comedy sketches. YouTube deleted 5 years of her content for titling a Dodgers Stadium Vaccine Protest upload, "Ovid Injections Kills," but here's one of her Trump videos, she retained: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bE1pqISZxuovy9m5KkKXJ9ixWgz8oH7j/view?usp=sharing

Please check out her Rumble site: https://rumble.com/user/MoniqueLukens

The Butler did it? The Butler Rally: Real, Staged, or Hybrid?

Join Monique for her "Take 2" on Trump's quickly "healed" ear; the "(I) moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down - my hand was covered in blood" (Whaaaat? Where?); and people acting strangely in the bleachers.

Where was the blood on Corey the firefighter's wife and daughters? Where were the wife and daughters? Why was Corey removed without a stretcher? Why were nonmedical personnel permitted back into the bleachers, while uniformed officers dawdled around? And why did the alert suddenly play dead? It's enough for a director's head to spin. "Take 2?"



NICHOLAS KOLLERSTROM, Ph.D., ex-academic and ‘conspiracy theorist,’ has co-run London post-9/11 discussion group for ten years which meets monthly, for which he receives periodic ethical damnation. He has written the only...READ MORE




NICHOLAS KOLLERSTROM, Ph.D., ex-academic and ‘conspiracy theorist,’ has co-run London post-9/11 discussion group for ten years which meets monthly, for which he receives periodic ethical damnation. He has written the only 9/11 truth book to be banned by Amazon: Who Did 9/11? (2019).

Long ago, in a previous lifetime, he was invited to contribute the ‘Isaac Newton’ entry to the prestigious Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. His book on the London 7/7 subway bombings, Terror on the Tube (3rd ed., 2011), remains more or less the only book on the subject–which is strange, given the dozens of books about 9/11. His latest publication is The Great British Coronavirus Hoax. See article concerning material in that book at James Fetzer web site.

How Jews Forgot Where Their Temple Was

Jews are about to start building a new temple in Jerusalem, the first since 70 AD. They reckon they have to knock down the glorious Al-Asqa mosque because that is exactly where their new Temple has to be. However that was not the site of their ancient temple: which existed within the ancient walled City of David. Due north of that is the so-called Temple Mount, which had no temple on it because it was built as a Roman fortress. No God will answer the one million prayers stuck into the cracks of the Wailing Wall every year – it’s just the side of what was once Fort Antonia. This talk will call for a worldwide campaign to help Jews remember where their ancient Temple was, and thereby avoid WW3.

The Fall of the House of Windsor

Where is Kate? Have we seen the future queen of England this year? We have been shown a series of actor-doubles, some fake, photoshopped pictures of her and at least one AI simulation of her. After he death of queen Elizabeth the British monarchy seems somehow to be falling apart. The ‘heir and the spare’ William and Harry have bitter rows, partly because only one of them is the son of King Charles. Neither of them is allowed to think about who murdered their mother.




RON AVERY is an architect in the “State of Texas.” He has been to the Supreme Court of Texas about seven times and has discovered that “property taxes” are unlawful in every state of the union. He also discovered that...READ MORE




RON AVERY is an architect in the “State of Texas.” He has been to the Supreme Court of Texas about seven times and has discovered that “property taxes” are unlawful in every state of the union. He also discovered that sovereign immunity of the state or union of states to harm its own citizens without judicial recourse unless waived by statute or congressional resolution prior to suit does not exist. He was translated into the Kingdom of God on earth 50 years ago.

LAWFARE: The Judicial Plundering of Dr. James H. Fetzer

Ron will illustrate how Dr. Fetzer was found liable for defamation by being deprived of his right to trial by jury guaranteed under the Wisconsin Constitution and the 7th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution.

The presentation will also cover how the judge transferred Fetzer’s intangible intellectual property interest in his book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control, directly to the Plaintiff in violation of common law principles to prevent public access to Fetzer's book. The astonishing oblivious admission by the court of conducting judicial warfare against Fetzer.




RUSS WINTER is the creator of Winter Watch. The publication is the product of a advanced age deep awakening out of what Russ calls a pajama-person trance in 2013. His extensive and illuminating writings explore a variety of ...READ MORE




RUSS WINTER is the creator of Winter Watch. The publication is the product of a advanced age deep awakening out of what Russ calls a pajama-person trance in 2013. His extensive and illuminating writings explore a variety of suppressed para-political and hidden history topics. Russ has shown a knack for seeing through the smoke-and-mirrors to nail what really happened, as he has done in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha and, even more strikingly, in the case of Darrell Brooks and the Christmas Parade in Waukesha. Russ’ research on Barack Obama, John Kerry, David Cameron, and Justin Trudeau, who is the son of Fidel Castro, is of special note.

Israeli Deceptions and Mind Tricks Used to Facilitate Their Genocides






SARAH WESTALL is a successful entrepreneur and business executive. In the past 25 years, she has created and developed multiple companies including a successful management and consulting firm and a multi-million-dollar inter...READ MORE




SARAH WESTALL is a successful entrepreneur and business executive. In the past 25 years, she has created and developed multiple companies including a successful management and consulting firm and a multi-million-dollar international import and manufacturing company. She has a dynamic leadership career spent building high-performance teams in highly competitive industries. She has an entrepreneurial attitude, energy, and style.

She has proven ability to define company positioning by driving the development and execution of innovation, market entry plays, long-term growth, strategy, business development and strategic initiatives.

Sarah has a computer science and business management systems degree from the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota with an emphasis in Management Information Systems from the Carlson Business School. She started her career in the high-tech industry as a network and data systems engineer. She became director of the group responsible for all of the systems design and development for !NTERPRISE, the advanced networking company of US WEST, the telecom company which captured 75% of the Internet market at the time. Sarah left the corporate world to create and lead several companies in diverse industries, including a systems consulting firm and a multi-million dollar import business.

Sarah spent over 5 years giving back to the community by teaching young adults and college students as an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota’s top-rated Carlson School of Business. She taught classes in leadership, ethics, management, and entrepreneurship.

Currently, Sarah is a partner at Galex Consulting and the host of the nationally syndicated show, “Business Game Changers”. Her show features leaders in Business, Government, Society, and Science. Her straightforward and authentic style along with her extensive experience in technology, engineering, and entrepreneurship enables her to provide insight and a perspective unparalleled in the media.

Sarah’s recent focus is on free speech rights and raising awareness of crimes against humanity. She came together with fellow podcasters and journalists to sue Google for violating the first amendment by serving as a government partner and actor to delete channels and silence speech. Subsequently, she formed the action oriented non-profit United for Free Speech.

Humanities Top 3 Priorities to Survive into the Next Century

Humanity is at a cross road. The cumulation of technology, exaggerated abuse of power, and a polarized and uninformed public have created the perfect storm. We are facing extinction level events and power shifts not seen in over 2000 years. What are we really facing and what does this mean to humanity?




In Honor of Scott Bennett: A Magnificent Warrior - In Memoriam

Jim Fetzer, David Kinney, Don Grahn, Stephen Pidgen, and Mike Harris

SCOTT BENNETT was a former U.S. Army Special Operations Officer (1...READ MORE




In Honor of Scott Bennett: A Magnificent Warrior - In Memoriam

Jim Fetzer, David Kinney, Don Grahn, Stephen Pidgen, and Mike Harris

SCOTT BENNETT was a former U.S. Army Special Operations Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command), and a global psychological warfare-counterterrorism analyst, formerly with defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. He received a Direct Commission as an Officer, held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance, and worked in the highest levels of international counterterrorism in Washington DC and MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.

He developed and managed psychological warfare theories, products, and operations for U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, and the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies.

His book, Shell Game: A Whistleblowing Report (2006), exposed the hidden history of financing for 9/11. Scott’s educational background included a Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Spanish Minor from San Jose State University in California, a Master of Arts in International Business and Public Policy from George Mason University in Virginia, and Ph.D. studies in Political Theory from the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C.

He left us way too soon...




STEPHANIE SLEDGE grew up in Southwestern Iowa. In her early 20’s, she attended the University of South Dakota and took Investigative courses as she was raising children.

She then attended and graduated from Northwest M...READ MORE




STEPHANIE SLEDGE grew up in Southwestern Iowa. In her early 20’s, she attended the University of South Dakota and took Investigative courses as she was raising children.

She then attended and graduated from Northwest Missouri State University’s Melvin D. and Valorie G. Booth School of Business. She studied Global Business & the Elite’s Marketing Plan. She then was recruited by a group of professionals and continued studying the global agenda to take down America and turn the Great Republic into a communist democracy.

Stephanie has owned many small businesses throughout her life. Stephanie has five grown children and one grandson. Stephanie has spent her whole life questioning everything. She was blessed to have been born into a family that taught her to never trust the government and to always question her surroundings.

Stephanie began her investigative journalist career in 2002. In 2009, she created The Government Rag - An Educational Alternative News Source where she and other contributing writers publish uncensored articles and interviews.

Stephanie Sledge investigated the 2011 Safeway Shooting in Tucson, AZ. She discovered that the Obama administration, the State of AZ, and Pima County were lying to America as they pinned the 13 injured and 6 dead on a 22 year-old patsy named Jared Lee Loughner. She created a website and published many of her findings and interviews at https://jaredleeloughner.com.

Following the Tucson production of lies from the Obama Administration to promote gun control, another alleged shooting took place in Newtown, CT at the Sandy Hook Elementary School involving many of the same criminals and players. Stephanie was able to continue her investigation which eventually revealed another cover-up. She published her findings in a book called, A Citizen Journalist's Exposure of Sandy Hook revealing the players and their motives to destroy America.

The Highest Trump Card Awaits as Americans Are Forewarned of the National Purge Forthcoming

As America eagerly awaits the transition from Biden to Trump, we are being forewarned ahead of time that one of the first priorities will be the deportation of illegal immigrants that have infiltrated our country. However, Americans do not see the massive process needed to complete this mission considering there are many millions of illegals living in all states. Many innocent individuals and families as well. However, many cartels, criminals, and terrorists also are being housed here. As the majority of America places their hope in Trump achieving this mission, a darkside of him is being ignored regarding Donald Trump's past presidential decision and ties to the most evil and sinister war criminals the world has ever seen.

Trump has made many promises and they do not have We the People's interests first. Making America Great Again really means the purge of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and any and all those who do not comply. Making Israel Great Again will be the primary objective and that will include the purge and mass genocide of Americans as well.




VICTOR-HUGO VACA II claims "art is the last bastion of free speech" and as a dissident, Veteran, American refugee, living in the former USSR, Republic of Georgia, near the border with Russia, between War Zones and hot spots o...READ MORE




VICTOR-HUGO VACA II claims "art is the last bastion of free speech" and as a dissident, Veteran, American refugee, living in the former USSR, Republic of Georgia, near the border with Russia, between War Zones and hot spots of global conflict, after escaping China, two hours before the last border closed, on the day that the Wuhan virus whistleblower, Dr. Li Wenliang died, he uses modern-art-gonzo-journalism to combat censorship on steroids during the information war.

Known as, The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo, the native New Yorker born in the same Elmhurst Hospital as President Donald Trump, is listed in the Library of Congress Reference Book, by DB Burkeman titled, "Stickers: From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art", as "one of the most influential artists of our time", alongside The Wu Tang Clan, Banksy and Shepard Fairey.

The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo founded and Trademarked, the Modern Art Music Movement, the fusion of art, music, film, fashion, literature and education, fostering peace, love and compassionate wealth, worldwide and attended the prestigious United States Naval Academy alongside Carter Page in the Class of 1993. He has dedicated his life to shedding Light on the darkness so that the darkness cannot overcome it and starts every Modern Art Music Movement podcast by stating, "My job is not to be politically correct. It is to witness, observe, analyze and document, the beautiful chaos that surrounds us all, so that future generations can understand how we got to this moment in time."

links for his podcast channels on Rumble and BitChute can be found at: https://victorhugocollection.com/

P Diddy, The Black Jeffrey Epstein, Michael Simkins, Club E11even Highlight - How Modern Art Gonzo Journalism Preserves Conspiracy Theory Until It Becomes Conspiracy Fact

Victor will expose how the sorted misbehaviors of hollow elites effect the direction of American politics.




WILLIAM "BILL" EDWARD BINNEY (born September 1943) is a former intelligence official with the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and whistleblower. He retired on October 31, 2001, after more than 30 years with the a...READ MORE




WILLIAM "BILL" EDWARD BINNEY (born September 1943) is a former intelligence official with the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and whistleblower. He retired on October 31, 2001, after more than 30 years with the agency. He was a critic of his former employers during the George W. Bush administration, and later criticized the NSA's data-collection policies during the Barack Obama administration. He dissented from the view that Russia interfered with the 2016 US election. More specifically, he was critical of the view that Russia hacked the DNC server. He is a leading member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

Drain the Swamp and Keep It Clean

In the years since WW II no government in the world has been able to insure their intelligence agencies are doing what those governments intend. That's because once intelligence agencies control what they do through classification, they also control who can see what, meaning, who gets to know what. This is how the intelligence agencies or administrations can lead our country down a very dark and evil path.

Classic examples of this type of manipulation are the Vietnam war, the Iraq war, Russia-gate and more recently the COVID experience. While appointing the right people in key position can begin to move these agencies in the right direction, that will not stop hidden agendas from happening in or between these large agencies all organized in secret by unelected civil servants, possibly including the cooperation of some political party members or commercial leaders.

To make this type of activity virtually impossible, the president needs to create a highly technical and independent group with all the clearances necessary to go into any government agency at any time and inspect all their data bases and network logs to insure those agencies are not violating the US Constitution or other laws. This is a rather large and difficult task, but to make it happen will require automated analysis of finite but large data bases. Further, to insure no single point can stop or divert activity of this group, making the group report to all three branches of our government would help to insure an honest process that would continue even after the administration that created it.