SpeakerRON AVERY is an architect in the “State of Texas.” He has been to the Supreme Court of Texas about seven times and has discovered that “property taxes” are unlawful in every state of the union. He also discovered that sovereign immunity of the state or union of states to harm its own citizens without judicial recourse unless waived by statute or congressional resolution prior to suit does not exist. He was translated into the Kingdom of God on earth 50 years ago.
LAWFARE: The Judicial Plundering of Dr. James H. Fetzer
Ron will illustrate how Dr. Fetzer was found liable for defamation by being deprived of his right to trial by jury guaranteed under the Wisconsin Constitution and the 7th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution.
The presentation will also cover how the judge transferred Fetzer’s intangible intellectual property interest in his book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control, directly to the Plaintiff in violation of common law principles to prevent public access to Fetzer's book. The astonishing oblivious admission by the court of conducting judicial warfare against Fetzer.