SpeakerMIKE SPARKS is a former U.S. Army and Marine Corps, MOS 11A5P Airborne Infantry NCO and 1LT officer; he is the Director of the 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne), a non-profit think-tank and action group for military excellence. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in History Education from Liberty University (in residence). He is the author of James Bond is Real: The Untold Story of the Political-Military Threats Ian Fleming Warned Us About.
Personal History
As an infantry enlistedman and officer in both light, heavy, amphibious, airborne and special operations units, I've acquired skills and equipment innovations to enhance light infantry Tactics, Techniques and Procedures, Environment, Enemy and Equipment (TTPE3). I’ve been working on Soldier's Load solutions ever since as a marine reservist experienced hypothermia due to being soaked-through a delaminated poncho with freezing rain at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. As a professional Soldier, acting in good faith to make the unit and our Soldiers as climate and combat ready as possible, I have chosen to serve at different places to gather experiences and skills to further our understanding so I can do the best for the most people possible with gear designs and TTP--some of which you may already be familiar with like the folding mountain bike, Camel-Bak, drink-on-move bladders, M9 Wire Cutter Bayonet, ACOG and M68 CCO Red Dot Collimator sights:
- www.combatreform.org/militaryvehicles.htm
- www.combatreform.org/drink.htm
- www.combatreform.org/bayonets.htm
- www.combatreform.org/nightvision.htm
. . . and the D-R-O-P leader's planning step which have been adopted by America’s Army and marines.
We have warned against and offered multiple cross-country mobile solutions to fight against the Clintonista road/trail-bound, easily destruction-ambushed, wheeled permissive peacenikking truck madness that has murdered and maimed thousands of of our G.Is.: www.combatreform.org/WHEELSVSTRACKS
Making America's Army better via moral, stoical military excellence is my enduring and non-stop, continuous contribution to America's defense. I'm a life-long student of military operations which explains my diversified military background.
About The 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne)
The 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne)’s Combat Reform Group (CRG) is composed of exceptionally dedicated military professionals, expert specialized aircraft and ground vehicle designers and highly motivated civilians committed to National Defense. Our commitment is to perform objective in-depth and detailed examinations of U.S. and Allied Military Operations and Doctrine for the purpose of improving both current and future operations--as well as CONcepts Of Operations (CONOPS). We advocate a Warfighting Excellence Board (WEB) "Skunk Works" be formed of proven maverick military reformers to moral stoically fix the U.S. Department of Defense to combat overmatch all threats.
False Flag Attacks (FFAs) Instigated the Immoral Satanist Pedophile Illuminati Ukraine War Against Moral Stoical Rival Russia